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Think Bigger!


Always at this time of year I’m starting a wonderful few weeks of dreaming of the future.  The new year is well and truly underway and the first quarter is coming to a close,  but its also a time to really let my imagination take off.  I used to just use it to do a bit of a stock take and jot down a few ideas for moving forward for the year but now I use it to really let fly with the ‘If I couldn’t fail what would I do” type plans.  There’s a reason for this shift in focus.  By adding in the ‘Big Ticket’ items they are brought to the front of your mind and you start to actively think about how to achieve some of those big goals and not just focus on the smaller stuff.

I used to think that planning for the long term was limited only to business but I also add in what I’d like for my home and personal life.  I’m a great believer that what we give our focus to is what will fill up our lives. So why not give some of your focus to the big, audacious things that you want in your life.  Want to travel the world and work remotely?  Add it in and start making plans for the steps you need to take before you can leave.  Want to buy a house?  Set a budget and start planning how you’re going to get your deposit and fees together.  Want to start a business?  Get onto to your local small business website and research what your first steps need to be?  Or join the Build It Course to get the help you need.  What’s your ‘I’ve made it income?  How could you move towards that?

The other thing I like to do is make a big list of all the things I want / wish for the year - both big and small - over 100 at least - restaurants I want to try - galleries and places to visit - trips I’d like to take - things to learn.  I find the act of writing everything down (as opposed to typing) really cements some of the things into my consciousness.  That for me is the first step towards getting what I want.

Many of us are conditioned to not be too greedy.  To be satisfied with what we have.  And being grateful for what you already have is a great thing to do.  But it doesn’t mean you can’t reach for more.  There are always new ways to make money, offer friendship, make connections.  By wanting more you are not taking from others.  It’s okay to strive for a bigger life than the one you have.  And now is a great time to really dream those big dreams and then start to make them happen.  What’s your big dream for next year?  Hit reply and share it with me!

Till next time,

Sarah-Jane X


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